Thursday, September 06, 2007

FOLLOW Your Dreams ... You don't know where they'll take you!

You NEED to click on this link and go watch the video here. Even pause a while to listen to Kay's playlist of awesome affirming songs while you are there. (I just bookmarked this blog post in my "radio" favorites -- I like the playlist that much ...) After you've listened to her playlist (Jimmy, at least) pause that and then click on the video:

Go on! Go! Now! I'll still be here when you get back. (Did I hear you say "drats!"? That's okay ... LOL)

You went, right? You watched the video?

Okay, now read on ...

Last night, my husband asked if I had heard the news. About Pavarotti. I had not heard but figured that meant only one thing: the world had lost a great voice.

I had heard about this guy from Wales. The opera snobs are not too happy that opera was "cheapened" by being performed in such a popular venue. However, the masses who appreciate a good voice are thrilled. I'm with them.

Never ever underestimate your gifts, your dreams, your talents. They are given to you and they are yours to treasure, nurture, and share.

Go Dream, Live, Share.

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